Wednesday, June 01, 2011

 As stated in the verse "Every soul shall experience death. Then just to Us you shall be returned. "(Surah 29:57), every person who ever lived on this earth is destined to die. Without exception, they all will die, everyone. Currently, we have never found a trace people who had died. Those who are still alive and those who will live will also face death on the designated day. However, people generally tend to view death as an event that occurred by chance alone.
Think of a baby who had just opened his eyes in this world with someone who is going through death's door. Both are absolutely no power over their births and deaths. Only God has the power to give breath to the life or to take it.
All human beings will live until a designated day and then die; Allah describes in the Quran about human behavior in general to death in the following verse:
Say: "Verily, the death that you flee from it, then surely it will meet your death, then you will be returned to (Allah), who knows the Unseen and the Visible, and He will tell you what you did." (Surah 62 : 8)
Most people avoid thinking about death. In this modern life, one usually busied herself with things that are very contradictory [to death]; they think about: where they are going to college, in which companies they will work, what clothes they will use tomorrow morning, what will be cooked for dinner tonight, these things are important issues that we often think. Life is perceived as a process of habit who do everyday. Talk of death is often denounced by those who feel uncomfortable to hear it. They assume that mortality will only occur when someone older, someone does not want to think about death itself an unpleasant subject. Yet always remember, there is no guarantee that someone will live in the next hour. Every day, people witnessed the deaths of others around but not to think about the day when others will witness his death. He did not think that death was waiting for him!
When the mortality experienced by a human being, all the "reality" of life suddenly vanished. No more memories will be "beautiful days" in this world. Think about everything you can do at this time: you can blink your eyes, move your body, talk, laugh, all this is a function of your body. Now consider how the state and shape of your body after you die.
From the moment you breathe for the last time, you will not be nothing but a "heap of flesh." Your body, silent and motionless, will be brought to the morgue. There, it will be washed for the last time. With wrapped shroud, your corpse will be brought to the grave in a coffin. After your body is inserted into the grave, the soil will cover you. This is the end of your story. From now on, you are simply one whose name is engraved on a tombstone in the cemetery.
During the months or years, your grave will be visited frequently. As time passes, fewer people will come. Several years later, no one came to visit.
Meanwhile, your immediate family will experience a different life caused by your death. At home, room and bed will be empty. After the funeral, some of your belongings will be stored at home: clothes, shoes, etc. that used to be owned by you will be given to those who need it. Your file in the office will be discarded or archived. During the first years, some people are still mourning the departure of your will. However, time will affect their memories of the past. Four or five decades later, few people are still remembering you. Soon, a new generation emerged and none of your generation who are still living on this earth. Do you remember the person or not, it is no use to you.
While all this is happening in the world, the corpse under the soil will experience a rapid process of decay. Soon after you are buried, then bacteria and insects proliferating in the corpse due to the absence of oxygen. Gas given off by these microorganisms cause bloated corpse of the body, ranging from the abdominal area, which change the shape and appearance. Bloody froth will pop out the mouth and nose due to gas pressure on the diaphragm. While this process, hair, nails, soles of the feet, and hands will be released. Along with the change occurs outside the body, internal organs like lungs, heart and liver will also decay. Meanwhile, the most horrific scene going on around the abdomen, when the skin can no longer withstand the pressure of gas and suddenly broke out, spread an unbearable smell disgusting. Starting from the skull, muscles will detach from its place. Skin and soft tissues will completely disintegrate. The brain will decay and looks like clay. All these processes take place so that the whole body into the framework.
There is no chance to return to a previous life. Gathered with family at the dinner table, socializing or having an honorable job they would not be possible.
In short, "onggokkan flesh and bones" that had to be identified, suffered a nasty end. On the other hand, you - or rather, your soul - will leave this body as soon as your breath over. While the rest of you - your body - will become part of the land.
Yes, but what is the reason all this happened?
If God wants, this body can not rot like the above events. But this would save a very important hidden message
End of life is waiting for a very powerful man; should realize himself that he is not just the body alone, but the soul is "wrapped" in the body. In other words, people must realize that he has an existence beyond his body. In addition, people must understand the death of his body - which he tries to have as if he will live forever in the world that while this -. The body which he considers very important, will decay and become worm food one day and ended the frame. Maybe that happens soon.
Although after seeing all these facts, it was mentally humans tend to not care about things that are not liked or wanted. In fact he tends to deny the existence of something that he avoided meeting. Trends such as this seems very obvious when talking about death. Only the funeral or the sudden death of close family alone to remind [the death]. Most people look at death was far from themselves. The assumption that states that those who died in his sleep or by accident is someone else, and what they [the dead] will naturally not happen to them! All people think, not yet dead, and they always think there is always tomorrow to live.
In fact, just maybe, people who died on his way to school or hurrying to attend a meeting in his office also like-minded. It never occurred to them that the next day's newspaper will proclaim their demise. Very probably, as you read this article, you would hope to not die after you finish reading it or even entertain that possibility happens. Perhaps you feel that now is not time to die because there are still many things that must be resolved. However, this is merely an excuse to avoid death and efforts like this is just a futile thing to avoid:
Say: "Running away will not profit you if ye flee from death or slaughter, and if (you are spared from death) nor will you taste the pleasures except for a little while." (Qur'an 33:16) 

The man who created a self must be aware that he too would die alone. But during his life, he almost always lives to fulfill all wishes. The main goal in life is to satisfy desires. However, no one can bring his property into a cemetery. The bodies were buried wrapped only in a shroud made of cheap materials. The body came into this world alone and away from it even in the same way. Capital that can be brought when the death is just one charity, charity alone.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

women of Paradise
the wives of the Faithful who believe in Allah and His Messenger will still be a companion her husband one day in Heaven and will get the same pleasure derived by a resident other Heaven, in accordance with the charity over the world.
Of course, every Muslim woman wants to be an expert Heaven. In essence, women experts Heaven is a woman who obey Allah and His Messenger. All the characteristics are a reflection of obedience that he had. Among the characteristics of women experts Heaven is:
1. Cautious.
2. Believe in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Apostles, the Day of Resurrection, and believe in the destiny of both the good and bad.
3. Testify that there is no god has the right to be worshiped except Allah, bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger, establish prayer, pay the obligatory alms, fasting in the month of Ramadlan, and pilgrimage for those who can afford.
4. Ihsan, which worship God as if he would see God, if he can not see God, he knows that God sees him.
5. Sincere worship solely to God, resignation to God, to love God and His Messenger, fear of adzab God, expect God's grace, repent to Him, and be patient for all the decrees of God and be grateful for all the pleasure given to her.
6. Likes to read the Qur'an and trying to understand it, dhikr remembrance of Allah when alone or with many people and prayed to God alone.
7. Turning amar nahi ma'ruf and unjust to the family and society.
8. Doing good (ihsan) to the neighbors, orphans, poor, and all creatures, and do good to the cattle he owns.
9. Connecting kinship to the people who decide, to give to people, holding a present to herself, and forgive those who mendhaliminya.
10. Berinfak, both when the field and in narrow circumstances, to hold anger and forgive people.
11. Fair in all things and be fair to all beings.
12. Keeping his tongue from words of deceit, false witness and tell the ugliness of others (backbiting).
13. Keep their promises and the mandate given to him.
14. Devoted to both parents.
15. Connecting close relationship with relatives, friends near and far ends.
Similarly, some female traits that we sadur Heaven Experts of the book Majmu 'Fataawa Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Tamiyyah works juz 11 pages 422-423. The characteristics are not a limitation but the characteristics of expert women enter Heaven entirely within the framework of obedience to Allah and His Messenger. Allah Ta'ala says:
"... And those who obey Allah and His Messenger, Allah will put it into Heaven flowing rivers in which they are eternal in it and that's a big victory." (Surah An Nisa ': 13)
Bus Shawab Allaah knows best.
(Quoted from the writings of al Ustadz Azhari Asri, the original title of Expert Women's Heaven
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