Thursday, December 03, 2009


Allah said
"And remember your Lord's name in the morning and on some nights then bowed down to Him and glorify Him a long section at night, they (the disbelievers) love the life of the world and they do not care about their sequel, on a tough day (the Hereafter) (25-27) QSAl.Insaan

The benefits of remembrance [any time] willingly taken from the hadist of the apostle

1. save us from the torment of the grave.
2.ugliness of his sins and replaced with good.
3. If we remember God (zikr), so we remember Allah
4.WILL feel the love of God favors.
Degrees 5. Day of Resurrection God's side than anything in the world's treasures
6. turned on his heart by God
Main 7.zikir more than charity without zikir
8.He is Paradise and not to regret anything in the world except when negligent in remembrance.
9.Malaikat crowded and they will be in mercy, sent down peace of mind to him and God proud of their association.
10.CAN resurrected on the Day of Resurrection with a face full of light and sat on pulpit (pearl) that people envy him.
11 will always be lucky if diligent remembrance came to the board because there is a garden paradise.
12.zikir more useful if we can not worship at night, no property and no with jihad.remembrance.
13.Will cover mistakes in the worship of others.
14 Will of God when there is no shade except in the Day of Resurrection good is a remembrance of people with tears in themselves.
15 proud of the ummah Muhammad.and apostles sitting with apostles.
16 In remembrance, all purpose will receive help in the world.
Is doomed unless 17.Around people remembrance.
18 away from each other away from the devil and destroy his strength.
19.Di loved by God
20.far apprehension and worry.
21. Vacate and gladden the heart.
22. Strengthening the physical and spiritual.
Of heart 23.light face.
24.get provision.
25. remembrance will have the authority and if see people will feel peace.
26 Encourages the love of God.
Muraqabah bring to the charity that is seemed to see God in worship (this is the final goal of the Sufis).
27.Zikir is a tool back to God, bring our submission, so that God gradually became a refuge and fortress from all disaster.
28.far of remembrance away from the remembrance of God as close as close to God.
29. Remembrance is makrifatullah door.
30.zikir is the heart and soul food.
31.Clean the heart of the rust.
32. Distanced himself from trouble and mistakes.
33.Can save himself from the punishment of God.
34 keep your tongue from the word sin, ghibah, cursing, lying, and the words in vain.
35. Expert received the gift of remembrance than those who pray.
36.Far from danger forget myself.
37. He who has reached the remembrance of Allah with whatever he wants he will get the side of God there is no shortage of any kind.
38. Reassure the concerns of the world.
39.With remembrance, the heedless heart will not lose
40. remembrance is the root of gratitude.
41. The most pious man of God is a busy person remembrance, because the peak piety is heaven, and the top of remembrance is being with God.
42 Zkir is heart disease drug.
43. remembrance same reward as slave freed.

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