Monday, December 07, 2009


The Word of God "Say if the same person who knows the people who do not know
The Prophet said "even though Insist Chinese science, science of religion because it requires mandatory for every man Angels spread their wings in the study because of satisfaction with what is required,

We are advised to knowledge about the science of religion, especially Islam, because we have nothing to lose in this world live with the guidelines that have been living in the Holy Qur'an teach and hope to survive the threat of hell fire, if the science of religion we have seen, of course, all rules -and the law. and the prohibition of God can we run perfectly without any hesitation and the reward is surga.Allah and we strongly recommend that the Prophet science, useless property without having knowledge of Religion

U.S. Solomon was given the opportunity to choose between wealth, kingdom and science so he chose science, then the others joined him ..
Abu umamah ra said: Every person who grew up in their studies and service to large, then the gods will give him the reward of seventy-two people on the Day of Resurrection Siddig.

The Prophet said: There is no greater charity to worship God as fiqh in religion and a religion is good at the Shaitan heavier than a thousand expert service, and every thing there is the joint core pillars of religion thing is fiqh [the science of religion with the understanding that it it (hr.Aththabarani.Albaihaqi)

Abuhurairah.ra said: The best ummah and ulama'best ulama' compassion, remember that God can for seventy pious people of sin, before the stupidn n for one sin, remember that an alim who had compassion will dating on the Day of Resurrection is the light has illuminated the west to east like a beast of light in the heavens. (R. Abu Na'iem, Alkhathib)

Ibn Abbas said: A Alom if you die, then God formed man of science as it is fun in the grave until the day thereof Qiyamat and dodge all the evil in the land animals (R. Addailami)

Ibn Abbas.raberkata If meet people with the pious pious shirat above, then ordered to Abid's: sorga come and enjoy oneself because i said to people that stop here, and give your intercession on who you like, then Nor thee to intercede for one but will be accepted by God, then he stood as the position of the prophets (R. Abusy syaikh.Addalami)
The Prophet said: the first that can provide intercession of the prophets, then the scholars, then the martyrs, (Alkhathib)
Abu said ra said: Who is teaching a verse from the Book of God, or one chapter of the science of religion, then Allah will reward grow until the Day of Resurrection (R. Ibn Asaker)

Mu'adh ra said: The Prophet said: If Allah gives guidance to a person due to your teaching, it is better for you than getting everything in the world (HrAhmad)

The Prophet said.: Each person is given by the God of religious knowledge, and then hid the mouth of God controls the Day of Resurrection with control of the Fire (H, r.Aththabarani)

The Prophet said: Who is studying theology supposed to reach God, suddenly learned just to reach the destination of the world, so he will not get the smell of paradise on the Day of Resurrection. (HR Annasa'i)

The main obligations of the two sentences mukallaf learn the creed and its meaning, and convince them, then learn the science of divinity, the attributes of God, and learn what she needed to enforce the obligation in Islam.

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