Friday, December 04, 2009

True story (saga) about faith.

Faith syaf'I said: I've seen a bishop in the Ka’bah thawaf Christianity, I asked: Does that cause you to leave your father's father's religion? He replied: I've got more change happen? He replied: When I was onboard the midst of the sea, the ship suddenly broke, and I can safely above the board, which brought the flow of waves there come up stranded on an island, a lot of trees and soft fruit and lezt sweeter than honey and softer than butter, and there was a river with fresh water, then I say Praise the it, I can eat and drink until Allah brings relief to me, and when the night time, I felt very worried for me from the beasts, so I had to climb a tree to sleep on it, and when the night, suddenly there was an animal exalt above the water surface with a clear voice reading: LA ILAHA ILLALLAHUL GHAFFAR, MUHAMMAD RASULULLAH ANNABIYUL MUKH TAR. And when the beast has risen around, he suddenly headed cassowary, and the human face, and feet camels and fish, so I was very afraid of it so I immediately ran downstairs and then he turned to me and say: Stop, if not stopped you perish, so I immediately stopped, and asked him: What is your religion? nasrani Christianity replied immediately said: O woe the loss, quickly you return to the religion of Islam, because you are now in the area genies believers, and will not survive here unless the Muslims, then I asked: How do I convert to Islam? she said reading the Ashadu an la ilaha illallah, wa anna Muhammad rasulullah. immediately say , and then asked me, you shall stay here or will come home your family? I replied: family will return, And he said, lived here until he reached the ship, so I stayed there, and returning the animal into the sea, then vanished from sight yet suddenly dating a ship full of passengers, and when I gave the signal, coming soon me and brought me, and when the ship I met with two dozen people Christianity, and I tell them my story, they were suddenly converted to Islam all.

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