Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Islam is a religion that has great attention to science. Islam strongly emphasizes his people to continue their studies.
Ar-Rahman in a letter, explaining that God Himself is the teacher ('al-Bayan Allamahu) for Muslims. In other religions besides Islam do we find that the first revelation was handed down the order to learn.
Allah revealed the first verse is Surat Al-'Alaq, in the verse, Allah commanded us to read and learn. God teaches us to Qalam - which we often mean by the pen.
But the actual word Qalam also be interpreted as something that can be used to transfer knowledge to others. Qalam said was not placed in a narrow sense. So that in every age Qalam said to have more meaning. As in the present age, the computer and all devices including the internet can be interpreted as an interpretation of the word Qalam.
In surat Al-'Alaq, Allah commands us to explain science. After that the second obligation is to transfer knowledge to the next generation. In terms of education, there are two conclusions can we draw from the word of Allah, ie, First, we learn and gain knowledge as much as possible. Secondly, with regard to research in the verses used Qalam said that we can interpret as a tool to record and investigate who will be our legacy to future generations.
In Islam, both in the Qur'an and hadith, that the highest science value than anything else. Even the nature of Allah is that He has knowledge Knowing. A poet of Islam reveals that the strength of a nation is in science. Current strength is not based on physical strength and wealth, but the strength in terms of science. People who are high in the presence of Allah are those who are knowledgeable.
In a hadith, Prophet Muhammad Saw encourages us to seek knowledge to the grave. No other prophet so much attention and emphasis on studying obligations as detailed as the prophet Muhammad. It is not a stranger if it's time we heard that Islam holds an important civilization in science. All branches of science at that time dominated by Islam are built by Muslim scientists of that era that began with the city of Medina, Spain, Cordova and other countries. That's the era we know as the golden age of Islam, although Islam after it suffered a setback. In those days, in which the countries in Europe do not have a college building, the Islamic countries have a lot to build the knowledge of study centers. Now our task to restore the glory days of Islam as it once through the various scientific institutions in Islamic countries.
In the Quran has been explained that people are precious in the sight of Allah is only for two things: his faith and because of the height of his knowledge. Not because of position or property. Therefore we can take the conclusions of science must take juxtaposed with faith. Can not be separated between the two. A blend between science and faith will produce good civilization called the Al-Madinah al-Fadhilah.
In their studies did not recognize the time, and also knows no gender. Men and women have equal opportunities to study. So that everyone, both men and women can develop the potential given by Allah to us so that potential to grow and come to perfection is expected. Therefore, studying religion assumes that it includes a part of worship. Worship is not limited to the issue of prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, and charity. Even studying it is regarded as the main worship, because we can  perform other acts of worship properly. Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq has said: "I'm very happy and are eager for people who are close to me and love me, they can learn the religion, and that there are over their heads ready to whip the whip when he was lazy to sue science of religion ".
Teachings of Islam that emphasizes studying obligations regardless of gender. Because their studies are very useful and every t exact science. If we find that science is not useful, it is because of other factors that influence it. Meanwhile, science itself must be something useful.Sources:The Role of Higher Education Increase  In Islam

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